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Heron's Head Park Shoreline Resilience Project

Client: Port of San Francisco


Service: Construction Management, Construction Inspection 


Staff: Ngoc Ho, Payum Vossoughi

The Heron’s Head Park Shoreline Resilience Project aims to restore and enhance wetlands and upland areas along the Bay shoreline in Bayview Hunter’s Point and stabilize the shoreline and improve habitat. The project scope includes temporary construction access roads to the marsh area, a new stabilized shoreline by placing coarse sand and gravel stabilized by rock and cobble groynes, installation of reclaimed-wood habitat structures for wildlife, installation of Oyster Reef Balls, and restoration of areas impacted by construction access to pre-existing conditions. JHCE's team inspected the installation of the new gravel beach, rock structures (i.e., groynes and headlands), and habitat features along the south shoreline for Heron’s Head Park. 


JHCE provided the Construction Management team for this project, which included an  office engineer/field contract administrator and construction inspector.  JHCE also provided a resident engineer through a Micro LBE subconsultant and has been working closely with Dixon Marine Services, Inc. (contractor) and Environmental Science Associates (engineer of record) to ensure that restoration measures are performed in accordance with contract requirements and to maximize effectiveness in reducing coastal erosion along the edge of the tidal marsh.


Project Awards:

Friends of the San Francisco Estuary Outstanding Environmental Project

2023 San Francisco Collaborative Partnering Award

International Partnering Institute (IPI) John L. Martin Partnered Project of the Year Award




1693 Polk Street, Suite 208

San Francisco, CA 94109


4901 Telegraph Ave. Suite 213

Oakland, CA 94609


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