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Southeast Outfall Islais Creek Crossing - Emergency Bypass_edited_edited.jpg

Southeast Outfall Islais Creek Crossing - Emergency Bypass

Client: SFPUC Wastewater Enterprise / Construction Management Bureau


Service: Construction Management 


Staff: David Gillson & Tina Edwards

In 2018, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) issued a Declaration of Emergency in response to the discovery of a potential failure of the pipe that conveys the treated final effluent from the Southeast Treatment Plant (SEP) to the deep-water outfall located near Pier 80.  The failing section crosses the Islais Creek Channel in a depth of up to 30’ of water.  The project performed an emergency repair of the underwater pipeline, replacing a leaking 36” ductile iron pipeline with a new 48” HDPE pipeline.  JHCE provided specialized expertise in underwater/marine construction to the project, providing resident engineering, construction inspection, and office engineering services.



1693 Polk Street, Suite 208

San Francisco, CA 94109


4901 Telegraph Ave. Suite 213

Oakland, CA 94609


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